In search.... Hemant

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Location: New Delhi, Delhi, India

confused soul... who wants to try out everything, just to see what it is... and then just moves away from it... give me money, and i ll spend it in no time... without money, i ll survive without whine...

Monday, November 27, 2006

This Blog has no Copyright

I ve gone thru a few blogs.. which say that the material in this blog can not and shud not be used anywhere, the ideas are of the owner and something somethig..
i am not sure of the legality of this.. but i think it is more to discourage anybody who tries to use the ideas or language of the blogger... i guess the blogger thinks that someday he might articles or even books, where he might use these ideas and therefore shud not be used by someone else..

for once i was tempted to do the same in my blogs.. but then i thought, what if i am never allowed to say 'to be or not to be' or 'if i tell u this, i will have to kill you' or 'miles to go before i sleep' so on and so forth..
how would i be..
what if Bible was copyrighted, where would the world be???

i ve read all these and have been using their language, their ideas all my life.. and frankly, i have been reading pirated books to enhance my knowledge. i have developed my ideas from reading all this only.

so now today, if i keep all this to myself, would i be fair and honest??
i m sure after this background the answer can be only 'NO'...

Copyrighting is not for me, i believe in free exchange of knowledge and information..
let the robert ludlums and fredrick foresyths use their skill with words and give people what they want and of course mint money by copyrighting..

i am a simple guy.. i have read most of the stuff for free and will keep my blogs free for all.
i ve other job which takes can take care of my limited needs.
in all probability i will not become an author or write successful articles, but whatever i write, is and will be free for people to read..

i believe in the purity of writing and dont write to make money, neither want to..
so no copyrights for me.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nationalism must die

let me say.. it surprises me how fervently people love their countries.. give lives for their countries.. and others appreciate it like its the best thing in the world...

let us try to look it other way round...
lot of people feel surprised when karnataka and tamil nadu fight for river water... they say.. c'mon.. end of the day its for people on either side of the line only.. politicians- please stop using it for your vote bank..
the same people have entirely different views when it comes to river b/w India and bangladesh.. suddenly then its not about people anymore.. its about countries...

lets take another example... when a UPite or 'bhaiya' come to mumbai.. marathi's want to oppose.. similarly wid kolkata.. chennai.. banglore.. and the list goes on..
i have personally seen how marathi treats biharis and UPites or 'bhaiyas' in their language.. as second grade citizens... fortunately.. i was from the educated and executive lot.. to face personal criticism..
anyways.. the point is that there is regionalism.. and lot of us educated lot oppose it.. they say.. how can u differentiate among people.. they are all the same..
suddenly its a different thing, if we are talking about pakistanis or bangladeshis or nepalis.. so on and so forth..

my point is that nationalism is just an extension of regionalism... so the people who hate regionalism.. how come they support nationalism?? something i cud never understand..

the only sound logic i have come across is that when other countries are opposing us.. we have to protect ourselves... but then the same logic holds true for regionalism..
'if 'bhaiyas' increase and start dominating... marathis have to respond'
or even having religious bias - 'if muslims try to dominate.. hindus have to fight them'..
or casteism - 'if jats dominate-gujars have to respond', 'if brahmis set the rules, SCs have to fight them'..

every group has an ideology.. based on the fear that other should not become stronger..
and in the process.. rather than growing together.. we are trying to pull other guy down...

how about one world - 'vasudev kutumbakam' (RSS says but does not practice)..
if there are no visas.. no restrictions.. how will that be wrong??

the better off places will still be better off (even within countries.. there are rich and poor places).. i thnk most of guys say this is a good idea but not practical..

wat i want to say is that it will remain impractical.. till we keep loving our countries more than humanity in general.. till we keep discriminating b/w people based on country..
it will remain impractical.. till the idea of nationalism is there..

lets try and bury nationalism and think of humanity..
broaden the perspectives.. like we do against casteism, religionism. regionalism.. lets stop nationalism.. lets discourage nationalism..

Monday, November 06, 2006

Not gr8 in school

for years.. a had carried a feeling inside me... i always used to repent that i didnt have my best time in school... though there were reasons.. i was d shortest guy in class during my whole schooling.. i was slightly built.. and this is very important during childhood... still i picked up physical fights regularly...
when everybody said that had their best time in school... and now the life is not as good like in childhood.. they did this and that... i felt sorry for myself...

but suddenly.. just a few days back.. everything changed...
i was reading a article by karan thapar... and he said that... its sad if you had your best time was in school..
which means that people who had their best time in shool are not fortunate.. rather the are unfortunat.... their growth has retarded over period of time.. either they have not been exposed to good things or they have chosen to see things in 'not so good' light..
whatever it is.. they have not experienced the cheerfulness and the merrier things in life, when they were exposed to it...

suddenly i feel happy that my school time was not the best... it has been bettered again and again.. and the best is yet to come..
my phonebook has changed over a period of time... and i am happy that its changed for good

Hemant Tirthani

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Roaming Around... getting nowhere

My life has been somewhat interesting.. in at least one way...
that is i have been moving around places.. and it has not really been by choice..
i left my home for graduation to meerut.. i didnt want to go there really coz its a very rude city.. i got my first job in Bihar... not a place where people love to go...

fortunately the company transferred to mumbai.. the place i always wanted to be in.. was there for the best part of my career till date.. then i joined Loreal...

joined emami recently and they have their HO in Kolkata.. i was told that i would be posted in Mumbai only and have to be in Kolkata for 1month or so for "Orientation".. and today they have told me that i will be in Kol for some time... and might be based here only...
not that i opposed.. but i am confused as to what is best..
in terms of career its better to be in HO...
but considering my affinity towards mumbai... i dont know what is best.. and obviously there are more opportunities in mumbai then in Kol...

so what would be the next destination??? even cant hazard a guess.........