This Blog has no Copyright
I ve gone thru a few blogs.. which say that the material in this blog can not and shud not be used anywhere, the ideas are of the owner and something somethig..
i am not sure of the legality of this.. but i think it is more to discourage anybody who tries to use the ideas or language of the blogger... i guess the blogger thinks that someday he might articles or even books, where he might use these ideas and therefore shud not be used by someone else..
for once i was tempted to do the same in my blogs.. but then i thought, what if i am never allowed to say 'to be or not to be' or 'if i tell u this, i will have to kill you' or 'miles to go before i sleep' so on and so forth..
how would i be..
what if Bible was copyrighted, where would the world be???
i ve read all these and have been using their language, their ideas all my life.. and frankly, i have been reading pirated books to enhance my knowledge. i have developed my ideas from reading all this only.
so now today, if i keep all this to myself, would i be fair and honest??
i m sure after this background the answer can be only 'NO'...
Copyrighting is not for me, i believe in free exchange of knowledge and information..
let the robert ludlums and fredrick foresyths use their skill with words and give people what they want and of course mint money by copyrighting..
i am a simple guy.. i have read most of the stuff for free and will keep my blogs free for all.
i ve other job which takes can take care of my limited needs.
in all probability i will not become an author or write successful articles, but whatever i write, is and will be free for people to read..
i believe in the purity of writing and dont write to make money, neither want to..
so no copyrights for me.
i am not sure of the legality of this.. but i think it is more to discourage anybody who tries to use the ideas or language of the blogger... i guess the blogger thinks that someday he might articles or even books, where he might use these ideas and therefore shud not be used by someone else..
for once i was tempted to do the same in my blogs.. but then i thought, what if i am never allowed to say 'to be or not to be' or 'if i tell u this, i will have to kill you' or 'miles to go before i sleep' so on and so forth..
how would i be..
what if Bible was copyrighted, where would the world be???
i ve read all these and have been using their language, their ideas all my life.. and frankly, i have been reading pirated books to enhance my knowledge. i have developed my ideas from reading all this only.
so now today, if i keep all this to myself, would i be fair and honest??
i m sure after this background the answer can be only 'NO'...
Copyrighting is not for me, i believe in free exchange of knowledge and information..
let the robert ludlums and fredrick foresyths use their skill with words and give people what they want and of course mint money by copyrighting..
i am a simple guy.. i have read most of the stuff for free and will keep my blogs free for all.
i ve other job which takes can take care of my limited needs.
in all probability i will not become an author or write successful articles, but whatever i write, is and will be free for people to read..
i believe in the purity of writing and dont write to make money, neither want to..
so no copyrights for me.